Freddie Mac Envisions a Dramatic Improvement in Employee Experience

A multi-year continuous development relationship follows a successful project

Freddie Mac

The Brief:

Freddie Mac had a vision to dramatically improve their employee experience and enable employee self-service through the HRSD platform. The Anti formalized the design via a concurrent workstream to deploy a robust Service Catalog, Case & Knowledge, and the ESC through a phased delivery.

What We Did:

The Anti configured 36 HR Services, ESC and 2 Knowledge Bases, meeting the deadline and staying within budget.


Freddie Mac is now utilizing complex configurations developed specifically for the company, a custom app to launch a case from an email alias, and enhanced security controls. Freddie Mac has continued to engage The Anti year after year for continuous development, due to the successful nature of the initial project.

  • Organizational change management workshop led to 36 services identified for deployment–an increase from the 15 services outlined in the initial scope
  • Interactive, phased deployment allowed Freddie Mac to grow confidently